'Good' vs 'Evil Tattoo': What's the Difference?

By Katie Moore, updated on September 15, 2023

‘Good’ vs ‘Evil Tattoo’: What’s the difference? Writing goes beyond learning basic terms and grammatical structure — it’s a way to learn more about the world around us. This article will help you determine what makes a ‘Good’ vs ‘Evil Tattoo’.

In a hurry? Here’s a quick preview of what’s to come:

  • ‘Tattoo’ is a word that means a mark made by puncturing the skin with ink
  • ‘Good’ is a word that means desired or approved of
  • ‘Evil’ is a word that means wicked or immoral

What’s the Difference Between ‘Good’ vs ‘Evil Tattoo’?

Before we dive into specific terms, let’s learn what a tattoo is. A tattoo is a permanent body marking made by puncturing the skin with an inked needle. 

  • The word tattoo comes from the Polynesian ‘ta-tau’ which has a general meaning of “marking” but has a variety of definitions in specific languages. 

Tattoos typically have some sort of meaning attached to them, whether personal or widely known and this can affect how others perceive them. Tattoos can also come in all shapes, sizes, and colors — which is why some are considered ‘Good’ while others are considered ‘Evil’. But how can you tell which is which? 

We will cover specifics later, but here is a list of things to look out for:

  • ‘Good’ tattoos often include lighter colors and imagery of light, such as the sun. They depict more youthful and free-spirited imagery. 
  • ‘Evil’ Tattoos are much more gruesome and often depict darker images, like those associated with death. The color and shading of these tattoos are usually dark as well. 

It is important to note that some tattoos purposefully show the dichotomy or struggle between ‘Good’ vs ‘Evil’ and looking at those can be a great way to get an idea of which is which. Also remember that ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ are sometimes subjective, and people make stylistic choices when getting body modifications. 

Now that we have a basic understanding of the difference between ‘Good’ vs ‘Evil Tattoo’, let’s take a look at the terms individually to learn more about specific things to look for. 

Definition of ‘Good’: What Does it Mean?

According to Oxford Languages, ‘Good’ is an adjective that means:

  • To be desired or approved of
    • “A good quality of life.”
  • Pleasing and welcome
  • Skilled at doing or dealing with a specific thing
    • “I’m good at crosswords.”
  • Useful, advantageous, or beneficial in effect 
    • “Too much sun is not good for you.”
  • Possessing or displaying moral virtue
    • “I’ve met many good people who are caring.”
  • Showing kindness
    • “You have been good to me.”
  • Obedient to rules or conventions
    • “The child is rewarded for good behavior.”
  • Giving pleasure; enjoyable or satisfying
    • “The people are looking for a good time.”
  • Pleasant to look at; attractive
  • Reliably providing
    • “They found him good for a laugh.”

Synonyms of ‘Good’

  • Moral 
  • Virtuous
  • Honest
  • Respectable
  • Pleasant
  • Fine
  • Acceptable
  • Able
  • Reliable
  • Kind
  • Giving
  • Honest

Antonyms of ‘Good’

  • Bad
  • Detestable
  • Evil
  • Unsatisfactory
  • Incompetent
  • Unhelpful

Phrases with ‘Good’

  • Good morning
  • Good luck
  • Looking good
  • Good to see you
  • You did good
  • Good job
  • Good boy
  • Good to know

What is a ‘Good Tattoo’?

Now that we know the definition of ‘Good’, we can use it to guide us as to what makes a ‘Good Tattoo’. Note that in this case ‘Good’ means the opposite of ‘Evil’ and not ‘Good’ as of a high quality. 

Remember that the meaning of the tattoo or symbols used helps define it as ‘Good’ and in the art world this often relates to designs that bring luck or symbolize ‘Good’ qualities. Here is a list of examples of tattoos with ‘Good’ meanings:

  • Butterfly tattoos represent transformation
  • Anchor tattoos represent stability
  • Rose tattoos symbolize passion and love
  • Angel and angel wing tattoos symbolize heaven 
  • Sun tattoos represent light, brightness, and life
  • Mermaid tattoos can represent femininity 
  • Triangle tattoos often symbolize balance
  • Egyptian ankh tattoos symbolize life
  • Infinity symbol tattoos typically represent endless love

There are clearly a variety of symbols that have inherently ‘Good’ connotations, but remember that the meaning of the art can be different depending on the person. Also, while the symbols above may seem more feminine, there is not always a gendered association between the picture and the meaning of the tattoo. 

Definition of ‘Evil’: What Does it Mean?

According to Oxford Languages, ‘Evil’ is an adjective that means:

  • Profoundly immoral and wicked
    • “His evil deeds.”
  • (of a force or spirit) embodying or associated with forces of the devil 
    • “We were driven out by an evil spirit.”
  • Harmful or tending to harm
    • “Stories about the evil effects of television are silly.”
  • (of a smell or sight) extremely unpleasant 
    • “That bathroom has an insanely evil smell.”

As a noun ‘Evil’ can also mean:

  • Something which is harmful or undesirable
    • “The various social evils of our modern world.”

Synonyms of ‘Evil’

  • Wicked
  • Sinful
  • Immoral
  • Bad
  • Corrupt 
  • Hateful
  • Heinous
  • Vile
  • Villainous
  • Malevolent
  • Nefarious
  • Destructive

Antonyms of ‘Evil’

  • Agreeable
  • Good
  • Beautiful
  • Helpful
  • Benevolent
  • Friendly
  • Gentle
  • Kind
  • Nice
  • Lovely

Phrase with ‘Evil’

  • Evil witch
  • Omen of Evil
  • Evil step-sister
  • Speak no evil
  • Evil spirits
  • Evil Queen 

What is an ‘Evil Tattoo’?

Knowing the definition of ‘Evil’ gives us an idea of the type of imagery and theme that go into creating an ‘Evil Tattoo.’ As mentioned, they are typically darker in color and style and can relate to themes of death.

Here is a list of examples of ‘Evil Tattoos’:

  • Upside-down crosses can relate to Satanism
  • Broken mirror tattoos represent bad luck
  • Inverted horseshoes also represent bad luck
  • Grim reaper tattoos represent death
  • Skull tattoos also represent death 
  • Ouija board tattoos can invite evil 
  • Satanic tattoos have evil connotations and represent evil

Again the meaning of the tattoo depends on the owner, but an ‘Evil’ connotation is often depicted in the imagery. It can also be evoked by colors, such as dark black shading or red. Also, cultural significance has a huge effect on the meaning of tattoos, so what is evil to some may not be to others. 

How to Use ‘Good’ vs ‘Evil Tattoo’ in a Sentence

Learning new terms and the meanings behind them is a great step to mastering words. But, you haven’t fully learned a word until you feel comfortable using it in your own context. Follow the example sentences below to get a feel for how you can use these new words in any scenario. 

‘Good’ Example Sentences

  • He was considered a good person by his neighbors because he always offered to help them when they needed it. 
  • She felt good after donating the clothes she no longer wore and after working a few hours at the soup kitchen. 
  • It was a good thing they left work early because they avoided traffic on the way home. 

‘Evil’ Example Sentences

  • The evil queen asked the magic mirror if she was the fairest in the land and was shocked to find out she wasn’t.
  • His friends thought his superstitions were silly, but he knew they warded off evil spirits. 

‘Good’ vs ‘Evil Tattoo’ Example Sentences

  • While a regular cross is a good tattoo in religious contexts, upside-down crosses are considered to be occult or satanic and thus bad tattoos. 
  • Her first session dealt with the good half of the tattoo, which included an angel wing, and the second session showed a devil's tail and horns, making it the evil tattoo half.
  • She got her clover tattoo colored green because it brought good luck, but she found out the color green is evil in some tattoo cultures. 

Final Advice on ‘Good’ vs ‘Evil Tattoo’

Depictions of ‘Good’ vs ‘Evil Tattoo’ art can be subjective, but we hope this article has provided a better understanding of common styles and images. It’s always important to be aware of the cultural symbols used in tattoos as well to understand their full meaning before they’re marked on your body. 

Need a recap? Here’s a review of what was covered:

  • ‘Good’ is an adjective that means desirable and virtuous, and ‘Good’ tattoos include light imagery and hopeful themes. 
  • Meanwhile, ‘Evil’ is an adjective that means wicked and heinous, and ‘Evil’ tattoos often include unlucky and Satanic symbols. 

Want to learn more about how specific adjectives affect art? Be sure to check out other confusing word articles that help you learn new words that go beyond just basic applications. Learning how words affect the meaning of different aspects of life is a great way to expand your vocabulary and your understanding of the world around you.

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Written By:
Katie Moore
Katie is a recent graduate of Occidental College where she worked as a writer and editor for the school paper while studying linguistics and journalism. She loves helping others find their voice in writing and making their work the strongest it can be. Katie also loves learning and speaking other languages and wants to help make writing accessible for everyone.

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