Once a year, most states in America honor past leaders in a celebration called President's Day. Or is it Presidents' Day? In this article, we'll find out what this holiday represents, how to spell it, and how to use it in a sentence.
Just want the quick version?
Presidents' Day is a federal holiday in the United States that is celebrated on the third Monday of February each year.
Funny enough, while the official name for the holiday is "Washington's Birthday," it is widely known and celebrated as Presidents' Day. Or President's Day. Or Presidents Day. Or Washington's Day. Or George Washington Day. Yeah, the list goes on. But you get the point. There are many different names for this holiday, as well as spellings.
A quick lesson on apostrophes is in order to understand why All Saints' Day is spelled the way it is. Don't worry; I'll keep it short and sweet.
An apostrophe can do two things:
It's that second purpose that we're going to talk about now. There are two types of possessive nouns: singular and plural. They both show ownership or a relationship between two people/things. But the difference is that with a singular possessive noun, the ownership is to a single person or thing, whereas with a plural possessive noun, the ownership is to multiple people or things.
Let's look at some examples:
Now we understand better the difference between President's and Presidents': one is a singular possessive noun, and one is a plural possessive noun. So which one should you use?
Some holidays are spelled without using an apostrophe at all, like Veterans Day. Some think that's how Presidents Day should be spelled, and if you agree, you wouldn't be wrong.
When we write Presidents Day without an apostrophe, 'presidents' is a plural noun that serves as a modifier for the word 'day.' Technically, it's grammatically correct to write it that way
At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide how you'd like to spell this holiday name. Firstly, I'd recommend checking the preferred spelling in the state you live in or are planning to visit.
What do you prefer? The best thing to do is to pick your preferred spelling and stick with it, just like I have in this article. To me, the plural possessive spelling "Presidents' Day' makes the most sense since it's a day to honor all presidents, past, present, and future.
Okay, so we've covered the correct spelling of this phrase and the reasons why. You might have noticed throughout this article that I have been capitalizing the words Presidents' and Day.'
If you use the words separately, that's a different story. The term 'president' on its own isn't a proper noun, and neither is 'day.'
Here are some examples of these words used as common nouns:
The president delivered a powerful speech last night.
Next week, the president is scheduled to meet with foreign leaders.
Every day, she takes a morning walk in the park to start her day with fresh air and exercise.
Now that we've covered the proper use of apostrophes and when to capitalize the words, let's look at some examples of the term All Saints' Day in sentences.
Here they are:
On Presidents' Day, my friends and I have a tradition of binge-watching documentaries about the quirky habits of past presidents.
I always forget if it's George Washington's or Abraham Lincoln's birthday on Presidents' Day, but I never forget the great sales at the mall!
Presidents' Day is like the Oscars for history buffs – we gather around, make popcorn, and debate our favorite presidents.
My dog doesn't understand why we have a day named after presidents, but he sure loves the extra walk we take on Presidents' Day.
On Presidents' Day, our neighborhood hosts a unique celebration where residents display their talents.
That brings us to the end of this article about this popular holiday. Let's summarize what we've learned:
If you'd like to learn about more national holidays and get clarity on how to spell and use them in your writing, check out our dedicated blog about confusing words. There, you'll find many other articles like this one, where you can learn how to spell holiday names correctly.
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