‘Leave It As Is' or 'Leave It As It Is': Which is Correct?

By Amy Gilmore, updated on February 5, 2024

Do you need to know which is correct, 'leave it as is' or 'leave it as it is?' I can help!

Here is the short answer in case you are in a hurry: 

  • 'Leave it as is' is a grammatically correct English phrase. 
  • 'Leave it as it is' is also a grammatically correct English phrase. 

Now that you know that you can use either of these phrases keep reading to learn how to use each.

Which is Correct, 'Leave It As Is' or 'Leave It As It Is?'

The truth is, you can use 'leave it as is' or 'leave it as it is.' Both terms are grammatically correct. However, one or the other may be more appropriate.

The correct choice depends on what precedes or follows it. However, in many cases, you can use either term.

Definition of 'Leave It As Is': What Does 'Leave It As Is' Mean?

When it comes to defining terms like 'like it as is,' it helps to look at the meanings and parts of speech of the words in the phrase. So, that is exactly what we are going to do.

Definition of 'Leave'

'Leave' is a verb that according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, means:

  • To allow or cause something to be or become a specified condition
  • To die with possessions or wealth
  • To fail to take along or include something
  • To allow or cause something to remain or be available
  • To depart or go away from
  • To withdraw from or cut ties with
  • To terminate association with someone, something, or someone
  • To deposit, leave, put, or deliver something while departing
  • To abandon or desert
  • To cause an aftereffect

Definition of 'It'

In the phrase, 'it' is a pronoun defined as:

  • That one, when used as the direct object, subject, or indirect object of the object of a preposition or verb
  • A plant
  • An animal with an unknown sex or gender
  • An abstract entity or group of people or things
  • A word used as the subject of an impersonal verb, like is
  • A word used as the anticipated object or subject of a verb
  • Used to indicate an implicit or explicit state of circumstances or affairs
  • Used with verbs as the direct object of a verb with little or no meaning
  • A climactic or critical point

Definition of 'As'

'As' acts as a preposition, which the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines as:

  • Similar to or in the manner of
  • In the role, capacity, or position of
  • Like

Definition of 'Is'

The word 'is' is a past tense verb in the term, which is defined as:

  • The past tense singular form of the verb be
  • In dialect, the first-person and third-person singular forms of the verb be
  • In dialect, the present tense, plural form of the verb be

Meaning of 'Leave It As Is'

After reading the definitions of the words used to create the phrase 'leave it as is, 'we can see that the term means to allow something to remain in its current state or position.

Definition of 'Leave It As It Is': What Does 'Leave It As It Is' Mean?

Above, we also looked at the definitions of the terms that create the phrase, 'leave it as it is.'

Considering the meanings of those terms, the phrase 'leave it as it is' has the same meaning as the former.

Similar Phrases to 'Leave It As Is' and 'Leave It As It Is'

Here are a few similar phrases you can use instead of the options above.

  • Leave it alone
  • Leave well enough alone
  • Leave it be
  • Let it rest
  • Let it be
  • Wrap it up
  • Finish up
  • Enough is enough

Pronunciation: How to Pronounce 'Leave It As Is' or 'Leave It As It Is'

Pronunciation is an essential part of learning a new language. However, learning the correct pronunciation of words is also beneficial for native English speakers who want to improve their verbal and written communication skills.

So, here is a pronunciation guide you can reference.

  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce 'leave it as is':

lēv et az iz

  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce 'leave it as it is':

lēv et az et iz

Sample Sentences Using 'Leave It As Is' and 'Leave It As It Is'

Now, read these sample sentences using these phrases to ensure you know and remember how to use each.

Leave It As Is

  • Should I leave it as is? Or is there something else I should do about it?
  • Leave it as is. You've done enough!
  • If you leave it as is, no one will want to buy your house.
  • If you find something that belongs to someone else, you should leave it as is or turn it into the lost and found.
  • The dancers were arguing about changes to their routine for the state finals when their coach walked in and told them to leave it as is.
  • They were going to leave it as is, but they decided to make a few last-minute changes.

Leave It As It Is

  • Will you leave it as it is?
  • It is perfect. Leave it as it is.
  • When the timer went off, the test administrator told the student who was furiously writing her essay, 'Leave it as it is and move on to the next section.'
  • This place is a disaster. If you leave it as it is, you will be assessed a $500 cleaning fee.
  • Sometimes, when you are struggling to find a solution to a problem, you have to leave it as it is and return to it with a fresh set of eyes later.
  • Leave it as it is. It is perfect!

Recap: Which Is Correct, 'Leave It As Is' or 'Leave It As It Is?'

Congratulations, you are almost done with this lesson. But before you go, here is a review of what you learned about whether 'leave it as is' or 'leave it as it is' is correct. 

  • Both phrases are grammatically correct, depending on the structure of the rest of the sentence. 
  • These phrases can be used interchangeably in many cases. 

Phrases like these stump English learners and experienced writers alike. So, if you find yourself asking which phrase to use, you can always return to this page to reread this lesson.

You can also learn about hundreds of other frequently misused terms in the confusing words section here. So, if you have been wondering about how to use other terms, check them out before you go.

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Written By:
Amy Gilmore
Amy Gilmore is one of the lead freelance writers for WritingTips.org. She has been a professional writer and editor for the past eight years. She developed a love of language arts and literature in school and decided to become a professional freelance writer after a demanding career in real estate. Amy is constantly learning to become a better writer and loves sharing tips with other writers who want to do the same.

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