‘Jeez Louise’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples

By Sophia Merton, updated on December 22, 2022

What does it mean when someone says ‘jeez Louise’? Where did this phrase come from?

‘Jeez Louise’ is a mild interjection that can be used to express surprise, anger, annoyance, disappointment, or another emotion. It’s usually used in response to humorous situations.

What Does 'Jeez Louise' Mean?

‘Jeez Louise’ is an expression used to communicate annoyance, surprise, disappointment, anger, or another emotion. This is a mild interjection that incorporates a rhyme to give emphasis.

The word ‘jeez’ is a minced oath for “Jesus,” while “Louise” is a rhyme for emphatic purposes. It can be spelled in a few different ways, including ‘jeeze,’ ‘geeze,’ and ‘geez.’

The implied emotion behind ‘jeez’ Louise can vary depending on the person's tone. For example, if someone gave you a gift that was a pleasant surprise, you might say, ‘jeez Louise, thank you so much!’ as a way to express that you are surprised and happy.

On the other hand, if it was Friday afternoon and you thought you were done with work for the day only to discover that you had a stack of papers left to go through, you might say ‘jeez Louise, with a disappointed and overwhelmed tone to express your frustration.

In this way, ‘jeez Louise is similar to the word ‘wow.’ ‘Wow’ can be used to express a number of different emotions, and the emotion being communicated changes the tone with which the person says it.

Where Does 'Jeez Louise' Come From?

The word ‘jeez’ is what is known as a minced oath. A minced oath is a euphemistic expression that is formed by purposefully mispronouncing, misspelling, or replacing part of a taboo word to reduce the objectionable characteristics of the original term. In English, pretty much every profane word has a minced oath variant.

Another word for a minced oath is a euphemism, meaning that it is a milder way of communicating something that could be considered blasphemous, harsh, or offensive. For example, the word ‘gosh’ is a slightly altered version of the word ‘God.’

‘Jeez’ dates back to 1922 in American English. ‘Jeez’ is an interjection on its own as well as when combined with ‘Louise.’ Interjections are usually said on their own rather than as a part of a sentence in order to express some type of emotion. They commonly come before or after another statement.

The word ‘jeez’ can be used for both negative and positive emotions and can be used interchangeably with ‘jeez Louise.’ At the same time, adding the word ‘Louise’ typically adds a bit more humor to the interjection.

When we search in the Google Books Ngram Viewer, we actually don’t find any entries for ‘jeez Louise.’ The word ‘jeez,’ though, first appeared in the early 1920s and became more common until the early 1940s. It has a slight dip and plateau for the next few decades before becoming increasingly common starting in the 1980s.

Examples of 'Jeez Louise' In Sentences

How would you use ‘jeez Louise in a sentence? Since it’s an interjection, it’s usually used on its own rather than as a part of a sentence. That being said, it will commonly come before or after another statement. Let’s look at some examples.

  • “You mean to say a bunch of famous actors are coming to our town to film a movie? Jeez Louise! I couldn’t be more excited.”
  • Mrs. Jackson assigned us even more reading to do over the summer. Jeez Louise, when are we expected to have any fun?”
  • “Did you know octopuses are so smart they can use tools and open child-proof jars? They can even build shelters for themselves! Jeez Louise, I had no idea a sea creature could be so intelligent!”
  • “When you invited me to your humble abode, I expected a regular old apartment. Jeez Louise, Sam, this is basically a mansion!”
  • Jeez Louise, there have been so many setbacks in this project I’ve lost count. I don’t know about you but I’m ready to get back on track.”
  • Jeez Louise! I know you said these were nosebleed seats, but I thought we’d be able to at least see the action on the field.”

Other Ways to Say 'Jeez Louise'

How else can you communicate a similar message as the interjection ‘jeez Louise? Here are some other ways you can express your emotional reaction with a similar vibe:

  • Wow
  • Blimey Australian
  • Goodness gracious
  • Golly
  • Gee
  • Holy smoke
  • Wowzers
  • Gee whiz
  • Holy cow
  • My gosh

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Written By:
Sophia Merton
Sophia Merton is one of the lead freelance writers for WritingTips.org. Sophia received her BA from Vassar College. She is passionate about reading, writing, and the written word. Her goal is to help everyone, whether native English speaker or not, learn how to write and speak with perfect English.

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