‘Gluing' or 'Glueing': What's the Difference?

By Shanea Patterson, updated on February 3, 2023

Wondering what the difference is between ‘gluing’ and ‘glueing’? And what the correct spelling is? We’ll go over that in detail in this article, plus teach you how to use it in a sentence correctly.

In short, the difference between these two words is:

  • ‘Glueing’ is how people commonly misspell the word.
  • ‘Gluing’ is a verb, and it’s the only correct way to spell the word. It means to cause to stick together with glue.

As you can see, there’s only one correct way to spell the word. You should never use the spelling with the ‘e.’

‘Gluing’ or ‘Glueing’ – What’s the Difference?

The difference between these two words is that ‘gluing’ is the only correct one. You should never spell the word with an ‘e,’ or your writing will be ungrammatical and incorrect.

Therefore, you should only use the correct spelling of the word in a sentence.

Which is Correct – ‘Gluing’ or ‘Glueing’? 

Now that you know that the word should never be spelled with an ‘e,’ you should know that the correct spelling of the word is ‘gluing.’

So avoid it in your writing.

Let’s quickly define the word, so we know how to use it in a sentence later.

Definition and Meaning of ‘Gluing’

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of the word is to cause to stick tightly with or as if with glue.

It also means to cause to remain continuously or to be fixed steadily.

Pronunciation: How to Pronounce ‘Gluing’

Wondering how to pronounce the word correctly? Here’s a short guide.

  • To pronounce it correctly here’s the phonetic spelling: GLOOing

How to Use ‘Gluing’ in a Sentence

Now that we know how to pronounce the word and what it means let’s see some examples of how to use it in a sentence correctly.

  • My kindergarten class is practicing cutting and gluing this week.
  • My daughter started gluing pictures onto her wall last week without me knowing.
  • Can you stop gluing stuff to the garage door? Who told you that was okay?
  • Gluing all the puzzle pieces together once we completed the puzzle was our favorite thing to do together.
  • Before dinner, we were gluing pictures to a giant piece of cardboard to make a vision board.
  • Okay, no more gluing anything to the desks, the bathroom walls, and the stall doors. It’s getting out of hand now.

Final Advice on ‘Gluing’ and ‘Glueing’

To recap, we learned that: 

  • ‘Glueing’ is a common misspelling of the word ‘gluing.’ It’s incorrect and should not be used.
  • ‘Gluing’ is a verb, and it means to cause to stick together with glue.

As we learned, there’s only one correct way to spell the word, and it’s the latter. You should never use the spelling with the ‘e.’ 

If you ever get stuck on usage or meaning and need a quick memory boost, you can always come back here to refresh your memory. We’ve also got a ton of other content on confusing words and phrases people commonly have trouble with while learning the language. Go check it out anytime.

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Written By:
Shanea Patterson
Shanea Patterson is a writer based in New York and loves writing for brands big and small. She has a master's degree in professional writing from New York University and a bachelor's degree in English from Mercy College.

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