Amy Gilmore

Amy Gilmore

Amy Gilmore is one of the lead freelance writers for She has been a professional writer and editor for the past eight years. She developed a love of language arts and literature in school and decided to become a professional freelance writer after a demanding career in real estate. Amy is constantly learning to become a better writer and loves sharing tips with other writers who want to do the same.

Articles Written By

Amy Gilmore

‘Color' versus 'Colour': What's the Difference?

Many people, especially those learning English as a second language, wonder about the difference between…

‘Bunny' vs 'Rabbit': What's the Difference?

As a writer, it is common to wonder if words you have been using interchangeably…

‘What's in a Name?’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples

'What's in a name?' is an idiom that dates back to the 16th and 17th…

‘Blood Moon’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples

Have you heard the phrase ‘blood moon’ and wondered what it meant? If so, this…

‘Dangle a Carrot in Front of Someone’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples

'Dangle a carrot in front of someone' is a statement people use to say that…

‘Afterall’ or ‘After All’: How to Spell It Correctly

Some words are confusing no matter how many times you use them. It can be…

‘Put Yourself in Someone's Shoes’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples

People often say you should ‘put yourself in someone’s shoes.’ In fact, someone has likely…

‘Perogative’ or ‘Prerogative’: How to Spell It Correctly?

If you are wondering whether ‘perogative’ or ‘prerogative’ is correct, you are not alone. People…

‘Rile Up’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples

Have you ever heard the statement ‘rile up’ and wondered what the saying means? Well,…

‘Ballon’ or ‘Balloon’: How to Spell ‘Balloon’ Correctly

Are you wondering whether 'ballon' or 'balloon' is correct? You are not alone. Some words…

‘Best Defense is a Good Offense’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples

Perhaps, you have heard people use the popular saying, ‘best defense is a good offense.’…

‘Keep Up the Good Work’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples

‘Keep up the good work’ is a phrase people use to compliment someone on their…