Want to say goodbye but tired of saying the actual word 'goodbye'? I don't blame you! With so many different ways to say it in the English language, why repeat yourself all the time?
But don't worry; there are so many other ways to say goodbye, and by the end of this article, you'll be spoilt for choice! Specifically, you'll know 83 more ways to say 'goodbye.'
The English language is vibrant and rich and has a hundred and one different ways to say almost anything these days. It would be a real shame to always use the same expressions when there are so many options out there.
Want to learn how to say goodbye in different ways? You've come to the right place. Read on to learn 83 ways to say your farewells.
Are you saying bye to a bunch of friends? Taking off after a meal at the family home? Exiting the office after a long day at work? For those and any other casual situation, you can use the following ways to say 'goodbye':
1. See ya
2. Catch ya later
3. Bye
4. Bye bye
5. Have a good one
6. Take care
7. Take it easy
8. Cheerio
9. See ya
10. Laters
11. I've gotta run
12. I'm off
13. Good seeing you
14. I've gotta bounce
15. Alright, peeps, I'm outta here
16. Gotta shoot
17. See you then
18. Speak to you then
19. I've got to get going
20. Gotta go
21. I'm heading off
22. Talk to you later
23. This was fun!
24. Have fun
25. Have a good one
26. Drive safe
27. I'm outta here
28. Peace out
29. Ta-ra
30. Chat to you soon
31. I'll call you later
32. Lots of love
33. XOXO
Here are some expressions you can use in more formal settings, such as when speaking to your boss or at an important dinner party.
These can also be used in casual settings, but I wanted to put them into a separate category so that you had something to refer to if you were in specific need of formal goodbyes.
34. Have a lovely day/afternoon/evening/week
35. Until next time
36. Good night
37. Farewell
38. See you soon
39. I'll see you then
40. Enjoy the rest of your day
41. I bid you farewell (this one's very formal)
42. So long
43. Have a fantastic weekend
44. It's been nice talking with you
45. It was a pleasure seeing you again
46. I look forward to seeing you again soon
47. Sadly, it's time for me to head off
48. Well, that's my cue
49. Have a great evening
50. I look forward to our next meeting
51. It was a pleasure meeting you
52. I should really be going
53. Bye for now
54. Let's keep in touch
55. Get well soon
56. Safe travels
57. Have a safe trip
58. All the best
59. Best wishes
Wanna have a little fun? Below are some creative ways to say goodbye that you'll enjoy using with friends and will surely put a smile on their faces. Most of these are idiomatic in meaning.
60. See ya later, alligator
61. In a while crocodile
62. Catch you on the flip side
63. Have a good one
64. Ciao for now
65. Don't be a stranger
66. Peace
67. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya
68. Peace out, girl scout
69. Laters, haters!
70. Don't be a stranger
71. Smell ya later
72. Gotta hit the road
73. Take it easy
74. Bye, Felicia!
It's actually pretty standard for English speakers to say goodbye in other languages, too. Here are some favorites:
75. Hasta la vista is Spanish for "see you later".
76. Ciao is Italian for "goodbye" or "hello".
77. Adios is Spanish for "goodbye".
78. Sayonara is Japanese for "goodbye".
79. Namaste is Hindi for "I bow to you" or used as a greeting.
80. Aloha is Hawaiian for "hello" or "goodbye".
81. Arrivederci is Italian for "goodbye".
82. Auf wiedersehen is German for "goodbye".
83. Tschüss is German for "bye" or "see you".
Okay, so now you've got a bunch more ways to say 'goodbye'; what would those look like in a sentence?
I'm going to show some examples of how you can use them in context. Here's an example of what you might say in a casual setting:
Hey guys, I'm gonna have to take off now as I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I'll catch you all on the flip side! Good night.
Notice how the speaker used not one but two farewells here:
Here's an example of a formal goodbye:
It was lovely chatting with you this afternoon. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week, and I'll see you soon.
Notice that although it's a formal setting, you can still use casual words like 'chatting.' It's always nice to keep things friendly while remaining respectful (except maybe if you're talking to the President!).
Here's an example of what you might say to someone at the end of a romantic date:
It's been great getting to know you today; it was really nice talking to you. I must head home now as I have an early start tomorrow, but I'd love to meet you again soon.
That about covers it! There are, of course, many more ways to say goodbye, but I couldn't possibly cover them all here, especially since a lot of them are really down to creativity. Plus, you can mix and match the existing expressions to make new ones.
So remember:
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