Has someone told you not to ‘play the devil’s advocate’? Are you wondering what they meant by it? In this article, we’ll go over the meaning and origin and provide examples of how to use them in a sentence.
In short:
Essentially, it means someone who argues against something just for the sake of arguing without actually being committed to the views they’re expressing.
‘Play devil’s advocate’ is an American idiomatic expression that means to present an argument for no reason. You might hear someone say that they’re going to ‘play the devil’s advocate’ and bring up a topic in conversation that might not go over well.
For example, if you’re hanging out with a group of people who you know are Democrats, and you start bringing up ideas that might be seen as Republican (even though you’re a Democrat, too), you’re playing the devil’s advocate.
In the movie, The Devil’s Advocate, Kevin Lomax is an attorney who’s never lost a case. But in the middle of defending a schoolteacher, Lloyd Gettys, against a child molestation charge, he realizes his client is guilty.
So, he’s defending a client whose innocence he no longer believes in. He’s playing the devil’s advocate, literally, in this case.
The phrase ‘play devil’s advocate’ is said to have come from Pope Leo X in the early 15th century.
But other sources say that the expression comes from the 18th-century Latin expression ‘advocatus diaboli.’
Back then, the phrase wasn’t seen in such a negative light. It was seen as more like a ‘chamberlain,’ basically a job title.
How would you use ‘play devil’s advocate’ in a sentence?
Let’s see some examples:
What other ways could you say ‘play devil’s advocate’?
Let’s see some examples:
To recap, we learned the following:
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