
'Equipments' or 'Equipment': What is the Plural of 'Equipment'?

Wondering whether to use 'equipments' or 'equipment'? You're not alone! This article will give you the answer you're looking for.…

'However' or 'How Ever': Which is Correct?

Is the choice between using 'however' or 'how ever' tripping you up? Not to worry, this article will help clarify…

'He and I' or 'Him and I': Which is Correct?

Are you wondering whether to say 'he and I' or 'him and I'? You wouldn't be the first to ask…

‘Log In To’ or ‘Log Into’ or ‘Login To’: Which is Correct?

'Log in to,' 'log into' or 'login to': an age-old debate! Our verdict? The correct spelling is 'log in to.'…

‘Has Been’ or ‘Have Been’ or ‘Had Been’: How to Use Each One

'Have been,' 'has been' and 'had been' all sound very similar, but are they used for the same thing? How…

Writing Meditation: How to Use Writing as a Meditation Technique

Meditation has been a widespread practice for millennia and has many benefits for the mind and soul. But have you…

'Bear With Me' or 'Bare With Me'? (Definitions and Examples)

You're here because you're wondering what the correct spelling is for the famous expression - 'bear with me' or 'bare…

How to Write an Inequality: From Number Lines or Word Problems

Inequalities are a mathematical concept that is covered under the umbrella of algebra. If you don't remember these from school…

How to Write a Monologue: Tips and Examples

Hello, dear readers. So you want to write a monologue? We assume that’s why you’re here. And you’re in the…

'Boarders’ or ‘Borders’: What’s the Difference?

If you are currently stuck and wondering whether you should use 'boarders' or 'borders,' you've come to the right place.…
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