Are you wondering whether to spell it ‘lier’ or ‘liar’? We can help clear that up, plus teach you how to use the correct spelling in a sentence.
In short, ‘liar’ is someone who isn’t telling the truth. A ‘lier’ is a person or object that’s lying in a horizontal position.
As you just learned, both words are correct to use. Whether it’s the correct usage will depend on the context.
The difference between the two words is that ‘lier’ refers to a person or object lying in a horizontal position.
A ‘liar’ is someone who’s not telling the truth – they’re lying.
These words sound exactly the same but mean different things, making them homophones. That means they cannot be used interchangeably.
So what does ‘lier’ mean?
According to Merriam-Webster, the word means one that lies (as in ambush).
It could also mean someone lying down in a horizontal position or an object in the same position.
Now, we’ll look at ‘liar.’
According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of this word is a person who tells lies. In other words, someone who isn’t telling the truth or who fails to tell the truth.
That person would be called a ‘liar.’
Unsure of how to pronounce the words? Here’s a short guide.
Since we already know what both words mean and how to pronounce them, let’s look at some examples of how to use them in a sentence.
Now, let’s take a look at some examples of how to use ‘liar’ in a sentence.
Now that you know what both words mean, you should feel comfortable enough using them both in a sentence correctly.
If you ever get stuck, you can always come back here for a quick refresher. We’ve got a ton of other content dedicated to explaining confusing words and phrases in the English language. Go check it out sometime.
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