‘I Feel You’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples

By Sophia Merton, updated on January 6, 2023

Did someone say ‘I feel you’ to you, and you’re not sure what it means? In this article, we’ll look at the definition, origin, and example sentences.

In brief, though, ‘I feel you’ is a slang phrase that means “I agree with you,” “I understand you,” or “I relate to what you’re saying.”

What Does 'I Feel You' Mean?

‘I feel you’ is a slang term that means “I agree with, understand, or can relate to what you’re saying.” It is somewhat analogous to the phrases “I know what you mean,” “I hear you,” or “I sympathize with you.”

This is an interesting term because it doesn’t just imply that the person understands what you are saying but also that they understand how you’re feeling. That being said, the meaning can vary slightly depending on the tone of voice and context. Depending on how ‘I feel you’ is said, it might be more of an expression of understanding how you feel or simply an expression along the lines of “I get what you’re saying.”

The Difference Between ‘I Feel You’ and ‘I Feel For You’

Though the only difference between ‘I feel you’ and ‘I feel for you’ is the word ‘for,’ these phrases do have different meanings.

‘I feel you’ means that you understand what someone is saying, agree with them, or understand how they are feeling. ‘I feel for you’ means that you empathize or sympathize with how someone is feeling– for example, you might tell a friend that you really ‘feel for’ them if they have had a string of bad luck in their romantic relationships.

The Difference Between ‘I Feel You’ and ‘Do You Feel Me?’

A related phrase you might hear is ‘do you feel me?’

This means, ‘do you understand what I’m saying?’ Depending on the context, this can be an earnest question or an aggressive prompt.

Where Does 'I Feel You' Come From?

‘I feel you’ is a phrase that is primarily used in the US and stems from hip-hop culture. This expression originated in and was first heard in rap music and has become increasingly common in American informal speech.

Examples of 'I Feel You' In Sentences

How would you use ‘I feel you’ in a sentence? Let’s look at some examples.

  • “You’re right that this party seems like it’s getting out of hand. I feel you. Let’s get out of here before it gets even wilder.”
  • I totally feel you. Other than finally getting us a new printer at the office, they haven’t addressed any of our concerns. You’re completely right.”
  • “I know what you’re saying about not being able to make that deadline. I feel you. But we have to do what we can to get it done– otherwise, we’re going to be in hot water.”
  • “John was making fun of you for being afraid of the oxen on the farm, but I feel you. Those are some seriously large animals.”
  • “Wow, it really sounds like you have a lot going on. You're moving house, starting a new job, and you just broke up with your boyfriend. That’s enough to stress anyone else. I feel you.”

Other Ways to Say 'I Feel You'

There are a number of other ways you can express a similar message as ‘I feel you.’ Here are some examples:

  • I get what you’re saying
  • Totally
  • I understand
  • I agree
  • I get where you’re coming from
  • I understand what you’re saying
  • I hear you
  • I sympathize with you
  • I empathize with you
  • We’re on the same page

Ready to learn some more idioms and phrases? We feel you! Head over to our idioms blog for more idiomatic English phrases.

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Written By:
Sophia Merton
Sophia Merton is one of the lead freelance writers for WritingTips.org. Sophia received her BA from Vassar College. She is passionate about reading, writing, and the written word. Her goal is to help everyone, whether native English speaker or not, learn how to write and speak with perfect English.

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