Did someone take a ‘handfull’ of candy or a ‘handful’? Which is the correct way to spell the word, you might be wondering. We’ll go over that below, plus teach you how to pronounce the word and use it correctly in a sentence.
In short, the correct way to spell the word is:
As you just learned, ‘handful’ is the only correct way to spell the word.
Any other spelling of the word would be incorrect. Therefore, you should only spell it with one ‘l’ in your writing.
You might be tempted to spell it with two 'l's' because some English words are spelled with two 'l's' instead of one when you consider the British English version.
For example, words like levelled and travelled, are spelled with two 'L's' in British English but one 'L' in American English.
Don't make this mistake.
Spelling the word is one thing, but how do you use it correctly?
Well, we know the word means as much as someone can grab.
Therefore, you’d use it in that way.
For example, when referring to how much candy you took from the bucket on Halloween, you might say you grabbed a ‘handful’ of candy.
Or you might say that you grabbed a 'handful' of popcorn from the bag at the movie theater.
So, we know a little bit about what the word means. But let’s see what Merriam-Webster says.
The definition, according to that dictionary, is a small number or as much as one can manage. It also means as much or as many as the hand can grasp.
A few synonyms of the word include:
Wondering how to pronounce the word? Here’s a quick guide.
Wondering how to use this word in a sentence? Let’s see some examples.
To recap, we learned that the correct way to spell the word is:
If you ever get stuck on anything, you can always come back here and refresh your memory. We’ve also got a ton of content on other confusing words and phrases you might come across while learning the English language. Don’t be afraid to go check it out whenever you need to.
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