Are you ‘greatful’ or ‘grateful’ for the things you have? Wondering what the difference is and the correct way to spell it? We’ll look at that in more detail below. Plus, you’ll learn how to use it in a sentence correctly.
The short answer is that the difference is one spelling is correct and the other incorrect. ‘Grateful’ is incorrect. ‘Grateful’ is the only way to spell the word in American English.
So, you’ve just learned that the correct spelling of the word is ‘grateful.’ Any other spelling of the word is incorrect.
You might be tempted to spell the word ‘greatful’ because the word ‘great’ is an actual word. But that’s not actually the case.
Whether it’s a misspelling or the British English spelling of a word, there are plenty of words that even native English speakers occasionally get wrong. Take a look at a few examples.
People often misspell the word ‘paid’ and think it’s spelled ‘payed.’ But it’s incorrect to spell it with a ‘y,’ so avoid that in your writing.
Organization is another word that trips a lot of people up because of the British English spelling of the word (which is also correct). But when writing for an American audience, the spelling with the ‘z’ is most appropriate.
The correct spelling of the word is ‘auntie’ in American English. However, in British English, it’s acceptable to spell it ‘aunty.’
The Merriam-Webster definition of ‘grateful’ is: “appreciative of benefits received,” “expressing gratitude,” “affording pleasure or contentment: pleasing,” and “pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated.”
The Cambridge definition of the word is: “showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person.”
Some synonyms of the word include:
The first known use of the word was in 1552, and it meant the same thing it does today.
Now that we know a little bit more about the word let’s see how to use it in a sentence correctly.
Take a look at a few examples of how to use it in a sentence correctly:
Now that you know that the correct spelling of the word is ‘grateful’ and not ‘greatful,’ you’ll be able to use it correctly in a sentence, using the above examples.
Just remember that it’s not the same spelling as the word ‘great.’ But you can always come back here to double-check if you’re really unsure.
It’s exactly why we’ve created an entire library of articles dedicated to explaining confusing words and phrases – to help make it easier for anyone learning the language or brushing up on it.
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