Are you wondering how to spell this phrase ‘damnit’ or ‘damn it’? We can help with that, plus teach you how to use the correct one in a sentence. You’ll also learn how to pronounce it correctly.
In short, the correct spelling is:
Therefore, you should only use ‘damn it’ or ‘dammit.’
As you’ve already learned, both spellings of the word/phrase are okay.
You can spell it ‘damn it’ or ‘dammit.’
However, ‘damnit’ is never correct. Avoid using that in your writing.
Now you know that ‘damn it’ is correct, and you just learned that ‘dammit’ is also correct.
‘Damnit’ is incorrect and ungrammatical.
You might be tempted to because you might’ve seen it on the internet elsewhere, but the only way to spell these words correctly is ‘dammit’ or ‘damn it.’
According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of ‘damn it' is:
For example, you might hear someone say:
"Damn it! I stubbed my toe.”
Both words mean the same thing and are considered idioms.
An idiom is a widely used saying or expression that has a figurative meaning that’s different from the phrase's literal meaning.
Are you wondering how to pronounce these words? Here’s a short guide.
To pronounce ‘damn it’ correctly, here’s the phonetic spelling:
dam It
Let’s see some examples of how to use these words in a sentence, so we know how to create our own sentences when the time comes.
To recap, we learned that:
Therefore, you should only use ‘damn it’ or ‘dammit.’
If you ever get stuck on usage or meaning, you can always come back here to review what you learned. We’ve got a ton of content on confusing words and phrases you might want to check out as you learn the language.
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