Carly Forsaith

Carly Forsaith is one of the lead freelance writers for Carly is a copywriter who has been writing about the English language for over 3 years. Before that, she was a teacher in Thailand, helping people learn English as a second language. She is a total grammar nerd and spends her time spotting language errors on signs and on the internet.

Articles Written By

Carly Forsaith

‘Baptism of Fire’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Have you ever wondered what the expression 'Baptism of fire' means? If so, you're in…

Father's Day or Fathers' Day: Which is Correct?

Every year, we pay tribute to our fathers on the day known as 'Father's Day.'…

Mothers Day or Mother's Day: What's the Difference?

You know that annual holiday where we celebrate our mothers? Do you write it 'Mothers…

'Paint the Town Red': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Would you like to know more about the idiom 'paint the town red?' Then you've…

'New Years Day' or 'New Year's Day': What's the Difference?

New Years Day, is an annual holiday that occurs on the first day of the…

'Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Have you ever heard someone say, 'Put your money where your mouth is'? If so,…

Veterans Day or Veteran's Day: Which is Correct?

An annual holiday to celebrate military veterans? That sounds like an excellent idea... but how…

'Practice Makes Perfect': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Have you ever heard the expression 'practice makes perfect?' Perhaps somebody said it to you…

'Out of Sight, Out of Mind': Definition, Meaning, Examples

If you've heard the saying 'Out of sight, out of mind,' you might have wondered…

'No Rest for the Wicked': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Have you ever heard someone say, 'No rest for the wicked mean?' It's a peculiar…

New Year's Eve or New Years Eve: Which is Correct?

With the holiday season coming up, you'll probably want to send out season's greetings to…

'Give the Benefit of the Doubt': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Have you ever heard the expression 'give the benefit of the doubt?' It's a pretty…
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