Carly Forsaith

Carly Forsaith is one of the lead freelance writers for Carly is a copywriter who has been writing about the English language for over 3 years. Before that, she was a teacher in Thailand, helping people learn English as a second language. She is a total grammar nerd and spends her time spotting language errors on signs and on the internet.

Articles Written By

Carly Forsaith

'The Writing on The Wall’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Do you know the expression 'the writing on the wall'? Perhaps you've heard someone use…

‘A Learning Experience’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Have you ever heard someone talk about 'a learning experience'? If so, you might have…

‘Follow The Trail of Breadcrumbs’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Have you ever heard the expression 'Follow the trail of breadcrumbs'? If so, you might…

‘Like New’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Ever heard the expression 'like new'? Do you know what it means? Don't worry if…

‘Ring Out The Old Ring in The New’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Have you ever heard the expression 'ring out the old, ring in the new'? Perhaps…

‘A Whole New Ball Game’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Do you know what it means when someone says 'a whole new ball game'? Perhaps…

‘New Lease of Life’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Wondering what the expression 'new lease of life' means? You've come to the right place!…

‘What's New?’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Has anyone ever asked you, 'What's new?' If so, you might have wondered what it…

‘Brand New’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Are you wondering what the expression' brand new' means? If so, you're in the right…

‘Break New Ground’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Have you ever heard the saying 'break new ground' and wondered what it meant? If…

‘Cut-and-Dry’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Have you ever wondered what the expression 'cut-and-dry' means? If so, you've come to the…

‘In a Nutshell’: Definition, Meaning, Examples

Have you ever heard the expression 'in a nutshell'? If so, you might have wondered…
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