Do you spell it ‘holliday’ or ‘holiday’? We’ll cover the correct spelling below and teach you how to use it in a sentence correctly. We’ll also define it so that you can better understand the term and feel more comfortable using it in the future.
The short answer is:
As you’ve just learned, the correct spelling of the word is ‘holiday.’ You’d never spell it ‘holliday’ because that isn’t a recognized word in the English language.
A lot of words in the English language have double letters back-to-back, such as:
But ‘holiday’ is not one of those words.
Let’s quickly define the word and then talk about how to use it in its plural form and in a sentence.
The Merriam-Webster definition of the word ‘holiday’ is:
It’s also defined as:
Some synonyms of the word include:
When learning English, it’s important to learn how to use words in both their singular and plural versions.
That’s because it follows the standard rule for pluralization, which requires that you add an ‘s’ or ‘es’ to the end of a word to make it plural.
Now that we’ve defined the word and you know the correct spelling, let’s see how you’d use it in a sentence correctly.
Take a look at a few examples:
Here’s how you’d use the plural form of the word:
As you learned:
When using it in a sentence, remember that it only has one ‘L’ in it. You can also try to remember that it means “holy day” and that there’s only one ‘L’ in that phrase.
But if you ever get stuck, pop on back over here to browse our library of articles dedicated to explaining confusing words and phrases. It’ll help refresh your memory and boost confidence when using it in everyday language.
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