Sophia Merton

Sophia Merton

Sophia Merton is one of the lead freelance writers for Sophia received her BA from Vassar College. She is passionate about reading, writing, and the written word. Her goal is to help everyone, whether native English speaker or not, learn how to write and speak with perfect English.

Articles Written By

Sophia Merton

'Sink or Swim': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Did someone use the phrase 'sink or swim', and you’re wondering what it means? In…

'Take the Bull by the Horns': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Did someone tell you to 'take the bull by the horns,' and you’re wondering what…

'Easier Said Than Done': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Did someone say that something is 'easier said than done,' and you’re wondering what it…

'Caught Red-Handed': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Did someone use the phrase 'caught red-handed' and you’re wondering what it means? In this…

'Out of the Blue': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Did someone say something happened 'out of the blue' and you’re wondering what it means?…

'Pull Someone's Leg': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Did someone use the phrase to ‘pull someone's leg,' and you’re wondering what it means?…

'In Hot Water': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Did someone say that they’re 'in hot water' and you’re wondering what it means? In…

'Hit the Nail on the Head': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Did someone say you 'hit the nail on the head,' and you’re wondering what it…

'Go the Extra Mile': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Did someone tell you to 'go the extra mile' and you’re wondering what it means?…

'Cut to the Chase': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Did someone say to you 'cut to the chase' and you’re wondering what it means?…

'Break a Leg': Definition, Meaning, Examples

Did someone tell you to 'break a leg' and you’re wondering what it means? In…

‘For Goodness Sake’: Definition, Meaning and Examples

Did someone use the phrase 'for goodness sake' and you’re wondering what it means? In…
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